Dorte Mandrup receives Statens Kunstfond lifelong Honorary Grant

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The purpose of the Danish Arts Foundation (Statens Kunstfond) is to promote art in Denmark as well as Danish art abroad, and Dorte Mandrup is one of the six creative professionals to receive this year’s lifelong Honorary Grant. Praised for her devout belief in the possibilities of contemporary architecture, Dorte is a clear and independent voice in Danish architecture.

Read the full motivation from the Danish Arts Foundation in Danish and English below –

Begrundelse for indstillingen

Arkitekt Dorte Mandrup indstilles til Statens Kunstfonds livsvarige Hædersydelse for sit omfattende kunstneriske virke, der repræsenterer en klar og selvstændig stemme i dansk arkitektur.

Dorte Mandrup-Poulsen er uddannet arkitekt fra Arkitektskolen Aarhus i 1991, og har siden 1995 drevet egen tegnestue. Tegnestuens arbejder spænder fra renoveringer og markante ombygninger af eksisterende byggerier til nyt boligbyggeri, kultur- og uddannelsesbygninger, forskellige sports- og fritidsanlæg samt større erhvervsbyggerier.

Et fælles kendetegn for den alsidige og omfattende produktion er en særlig interesse for arkitekturens skulpturelle dimensioner og tilsvarende begejstring for kompositoriske greb, der binder den ydre form sammen med bygningernes ofte stærke materialekarakter.

Dorte Mandrup-Poulsens arkitektur er på en gang klassisk og moderne. Præget af gedigent håndværk og samtidig eksperimenterende i forhold til det rationelle, industrielle byggeri. Det er båret af en tiltro til godt håndværk, der udtrykker en fritænkende traditionsbevidsthed og ukuelig tro på mulighederne indenfor nutidigt byggeri. Hun taler selv om at have mod til, at turde “drømme højt”.

Dorte Mandrup-Poulsen er blandt Danmarks bedste arkitekter og har også markeret sig på den internationale scene. Senest med Isfjordscenteret i Ilulissat, der i øjeblikket er udstillet på Arkitektur Biennalen i Venedig.

Dorte Mandrup-Poulsen har
modtaget adskillige priser for sit byggeri, og bestrider sideløbende med sit virke forskellige tillidshverv, bl.a. som medlem af Det Særlige Bygningssyn, der behandler fredningssager og af bestyrelsen for Louisiana Museum for Modern Art.


Grounds for the Grant

Architect Dorte Mandrup is nominated for Statens Kunstfonds (the Danish Art Foundation's) lifelong Honorary Grant for her extensive artistic work, which represents a clear and independent voice in Danish architecture.

Dorte Mandrup-Poulsen graduated from the Aarhus School of Architecture in 1991, and since 1995, has run her own studio. The studio’s work ranges from transformations of existing buildings to residential, cultural and educational buildings, various sports and leisure facilities and large office buildings.

A common feature of the versatile and comprehensive work is a particular focus on the sculptural dimensions of architecture and a corresponding enthusiasm for the compositional take that bind the exterior shape together with the buildings' often strong material characteristics.

Dorte Mandrup-Poulsen's architecture is classical and contemporary. Characterized by solid 
craftsmanship which at the same time is experimental in relation to rational industrial architecture. It is underlined by a belief in good craftsmanship, an awareness of tradition met with liberated free-thought, and a devout belief in the possibilities of contemporary architecture. In her own words, she talks about having the courage to dare to ‘dream out loud’.

Dorte Mandrup-Poulsen is one of Denmark's best architects and has also marked herself on the international stage. Most recently with the Icefjord Center in Ilulissat, which is the inspiration for the studios' current exhibition at the Architecture Biennale in Venice.

Dorte Mandrup-Poulsen has received numerous awards for her work and holds multiple trusted positions including being a member of Historic Buildings Council, which deals with the listing of
 buildings, as well as sitting on the board at the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art.


Read about the other recipients of the fund here.